Contact information linkedin
Contact information linkedin

Use an email finder tool (some of which are free!)Įmail finder tools collect email addresses-and other contact information-from a website or social networking site. To make it easy to access contact information quickly, there are a number of tools that automate and simplify the process of finding leads and prospects via social networking sites and other websites.īelow are the 5 best ways to find email addresses via LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great resource to access contact information for professionals in your industry. We even point out how likely it is to connect with each method.ĥ ways to find out email addresses from LinkedIn Let’s get started with tools that make collecting email addresses easier, and then we’ll outline more manual practices that can also help you connect. Use their profile details to search for the email on their domain.Use a Chrome Extension like LinkedIn Email Finder.

contact information linkedin

  • Snoop around LinkedIn after making a connection.
  • Use an email finder tool (some of which are free!).
  • Keep reading to learn about the top 5 methods of finding email addresses from LinkedIn for lead generation and prospecting, which include: Luckily, there are a number of ways to collect email addresses from LinkedIn so you can connect with prospective customers. But that's easier said than done, as it can be difficult to find and verify contact information. Most B2B professionals keep the data on their LinkedIn profile updated, and sourcing emails from there generally ensures a high-quality lead list. If you're doing high-quality outreach (and you should), LinkedIn is often the #1 publicly accessible channels to connect with your target prospects. LinkedIn has emerged as a favorite lead generation tool for many B2B sales reps, and for good reason.

    Contact information linkedin